Door Access Systems - Hardware / Wiegand Reader

The Impro Wiegand Reader Module (WRM) is one of the new, 3rd-generation, Access Portal Cluster Modules from Impro Technologies.
This Cluster Extension Module may be plugged into an existing Cluster (or connected to a Cluster Controller Module via S-Bus) to add full Anti Pass-back (APB) control of one door, or Single Entry Access Control of two doors.
The Module has two full-featured Wiegand Reader Terminals with their associated Relays, Door Open Sense and Request To Exit digital inputs.
The Wiegand Reader Module is presently available as a Cluster Module in a black ABS plastic Housing - and a PCB Card version for installation into an IPS (Integrated Power Supply) Housing.


Contact Details

Phone: +62-21-527-8832
Fax: +62-21-527-8834
Open: 08.30 - 17.15


Gedung Pusat Perfilman H. Usmar Ismail, Lantai 3 
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C-22,
Jakarta Indonesia